Sunday, January 3, 2010

Now what have I gotten myself into??

Now I've done it. I have gone from being merely crazy to being seriously deranged. I mean, seriously, what kind of person signs up to run 26.2 miles unless they really have to, or unless they're just beyond nuts? (no offence meant to my many running friends who have already passed the line of sanity)

Yes, I have now osigned up for my first (and likely only) full marathon. I am officially registered for the Mississauga Marathon on May 16, 2010. And as I typed that date, I realized that it's only a little over 4 months away and that frightens the heck out of me.

I know that this is something I can do. A few years ago, I never thought I'd be able to run 5 kilometers and I have now done 5 half marathons and a 30K race. So I know I can do it. I just need to find something to push myself to really stick to my training program and I'm hoping that my fear will do it.

When I was training for Miami last year (my first half), I TOTALLY stuck to my training because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it otherwise and I was determined I wasn't going to quit. The problem is, since then I have slacked off. I've kept up with my running but not as much as I should have. I was hoping to try for a new personal best for the Las Vegas half last month; I designed a training program from the Running Room for myself and told myself I was going to stick to it. I didn't even come close. While I finished the race (in not a terrible time but nowhere close to where I wanted) and felt pretty good afterward, I know I can't do that for a full marathon. If I slack off, I'm in serious danger of either hurting myself or not finishing within the time limit (6 1/2 hours).

So... I really need to push myself to get out there and run. And this isn't exactly the time of year that inspires one to get out and pound the pavement. While I don't mind running in colder temperatures, -25 is just unpleasant even with the proper attire.

So I've decided to keep myself accountable by coming on here and reporting on my training. It starts officially next Sunday (January 10). I'm hoping to get out at least a couple of times this week as well but won't beat myself up if I don't manage to (my week at work is looking a bit insane).

Wish me luck!!