Sunday, January 31, 2010

For anyone who's following my blog, I was directed to a good site today. It's and while it primarily deals with treadmill reviews, it also has some good tips for runners. Check it out!

Day 22

It was bound to happen eventually... I skipped a couple days of running last week. Unfortunately, work and other obligations just get in the way every so often. I missed Wednesday (8K) and Thursday (5K). I did 10K today and am determined that this week is going to be better.

Part of the problem was that it was COLD last week - like -20 cold with the wind chill. And it's really hard to get motivated to get out there when the temps are like that. Even today it was -13 or something like that and windy. Not pleasant but I guess I shouldn't complain... it's better than running in 30 degree weather!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 16

Still going well! I did my 14K long run on Saturday, then walked for 45 minutes yesterday and took today off as a rest day.

The 14K was HARD! Honestly, it was one of the worst runs I've had in a long time. I just felt winded and slow and tired the whole time and I got a weird pain in my calf muscle at about 11K and it was just a miserable run. I did it though, and managed to survive. Next week is only 9...yippee!

So, this week I have to do 5K tomorrow, 8 Wednesday and 5 Thursday. I may have to do a bit of juggling around as right now I'm supposed to be in Barrie all day Thursday but we'll see how things shape up.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 13

I'm pleased to report that I'm still sticking to my program! I had to switch things around a little this week but I got in all of mileage that I was supposed to. Tomorrow is 14K and it's supposed to be a beautiful day for it. Above freezing and sunny... can't beat that for January!

I'm hoping to go to my first ever spinning class on Sunday. Since my training program says I'm supposed to be cross-training, I thought I'd give it a try. I know lots of people who really like it. I'm paying for a gym membership for a gym I haven't been to in nearly a year so I might as well try to get at least some of my money's worth.

I'll report tomorrow on how my long run goes.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 11

No running today...I had a mediation and then had some errands to do afterward so I took the day off. I'm either going to do 10K tomorrow or 5 tomorrow and 5 Friday. My new running shoes came into the store yesterday so I'm going to pick them up on my way home from work tomorrow. They are badly needed - on thr weekend, I noticed that my left shoe was scraping the back of my foot. The lining in both of my current left shoes is all worn away and the plastic is showing through and scratching me. I think these are the first pairs of running shoes that I've ever actually worn out... I must be a real runner now!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 10 of training

I'm happy to report that I'm still on track. Yesterday was a rest day. I'm supposed to do 5K today, 8 tomorrow and 5 Thursday. I have a mediation tomorrow and know I won't get a chance to run so I did my 8 today, leaving only the 5K's to do Thursday and Friday. And then 14K on the weekend.... hoping to get that done on Saturday before my little dinner party Saturday night... I'm going to need the exercise!!

I'm also thinking about what I want to do for cross training and I'm thinking maybe spinning classes. I do still have my gym membership so I might as well use it. I actually went crazy and printed the schedule tonight so I'm well on my way to going.... :-)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 8 of training

One week down...17 to go!

I did my 13K today that was on the schedule for yesterday... this program has my long runs on Saturdays and I'm just used to doing them Sundays so I think I might stick with that (or just play it by ear and see what the weather is supposed to be like from one day to the next).

My mileage for the first week was 27K, a little less than the recommended 30 but I missed one run and had to make up for it and came out a little short.

The 13K today was a pretty good run, despite encountering a couple of decent-sized hills (tip: running west on Wilson from Yonge Street to Avenue Road is something to avoid). Adam came out with me so at least I had someone to talk to. It gets a little boring after an hour and a half or so...

So, all in all, I mostly stuck with it for week 1. If I can just stick with it for 17 more weeks, I should be ready for my race!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 5 of training

Still on track (well, mostly)!! I was supposed to do 5K yesterday and 5K today; instead I did 9K today so I'm close. Tomorrow is supposed to be a day off so I should have no problem sticking to that...LOL.

The weather is supposed to be goregous for the next few days - sunny and above freezing - so I really have no excuse not to get out.

I'm really enjoying my Hal Higdon book. I like his program for marathon training better than the Running Room one. It's one day a week less running, and with my work schedule, that works out a lot better for me. It's still a lot of running, but it seems much more do-able for me.

I'll continue to report on my progress!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 3 of training

I'm on track for 3 days now! I did my 5K even though it was -17. Actually, it wasn't nearly as bad as I was imagining -17 being. I had to stop and blow my nose about a thousand times and I'm still not feeling great but I managed to run most of the 5K.

I got my cute running skirt today and so want to wear it!!!! It's supposed to be 4 degrees later this week but I think it still might be a bit cool for a skirt.

Supposed to do 8K tomorrow... and I'm determined to do it!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Why am I running a marathon?

I'm 56 pages into my book and am in the middle of the chapter where the writer talks about runners' motivations and why they decided to run their first marathon. So I've started thinking about why I want to do it.

The only answer I really have is that I've now done a few half marathons and a 30K so the full marathon just seems like the next logical goal. For each race I've run that's a longer distance than I've ever done before, I've loved the feeling of crossing the finish line and having a new accomplishment under my belt. And I know that finishing a half marathon or a 10K is every bit as big an accomplishment, but I think I just need to take the next step.

This race is going to take far more commitment and training than anything I've ever done before and maybe that's part of the reason I'm doing it. I've been slacking off with my running for the past few months and have been disappointed with myself as a result (part of the reason I started running was for weight loss/maintenance and I'm worried that if I slack off too much, the pounds are going to start to come back on). I haven't pushed myself too hard to get back to it because I've only been doing "shorter" races (funny that I now call a half marathon a shorter race) and am finding that I can do them even without the proper training. I know I can't run 42.2 kilometres without training properly. I don't expect a fantastic time for my first one but I'd like to finish it within the allowed 6.5 hours and with a smile on my face. So I guess maybe I decided to do it to give myself the kick in the butt that I needed to get back on track.

I'm determined that I'm going to follow my training program for this one and I'm looking forward to having all that commitment and training pay off in May.

Now back to my book...

Day 2 of training

Well, this was an easy one. Mondays are my rest days so I don't feel the least bit bad about not doing anything!

I hurt my baby toe on the weekend...stubbed it into a footstool and I think it's broken. It hurts like hell to put shoes on. The funny thing is, it didn't bother me at all while I was running yesterday... it hurts more to walk than to run.

I got a new book today - "Marathon - The Ultimate Training Guide" by Hal Higdon. I'm looking forward to getting into it. I suspect I probably won't learn a lot more than I've learned from the Running Room books but this one focuses just on training for a marathon, not running in general like the RR books do so it might have some additional useful information.

Time to start reading!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 1 of training

Did 7km. That was really all I could manage. The combination of not running for 2 weeks and being sick for a week and half wasn't good. By the 4K point, I was feeling really out of breath and tired. But on the positive side, I got out and ran!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Me, Tammy and Karen at the Minus 5 Ice Lounge

Miserable cold!!

So much for my good intentions to get out running this week. On Monday I woke up with a miserable cold which is still hanging around three days later. I am feeling quite a bit better today though, so I'm hoping I might almost be seeing the end of it. On top of that, it's been bitterly cold here (like windchills of -23) and the combination of the temperature and being sick has just not motivated me to get out there!

I ordered 2 new running skirts yesterday; if they're as cute in person as on the website, I might have to make one of them my official "outfit" for the marathon (assuming it's warm enough to wear a skirt in May). Hmmm... I might have to check out the photos from the past few years to see what people are wearing.

I just realized that I never posted about the Las Vegas Half Marathon other than posting my results.

It was a really good race - a personal worst for me but honestly, what was I expecting running a race after 3 days in Vegas with friends? I usually try to watch what I eat and drink a few days before a race but that idea went to hell in a handbasket when we bought the $30 "all you can eat, all day" wristband at the buffet in the hotel. So, I really wasn't expecting a great time (plus I didn't train properly to have improved my time).

The weekend itself was a lot of fun... lots of shopping including a ridiculously expensive pair of jeans (they made my butt look better than any plastic surgery could do... pictures to follow) and a ridiculously whorish pair of boots. Lots of gambling and I actually came out ahead... if it hadn't been for the shopping, I would have made money on this trip!

The race was awesome! This was my first Rock and Roll race and it was great. There were bands playing every few kilometres and people everywhere. I was astounded at the number of crazy souls who dragged their asses out of bed on a Sunday morning (keep in mind the race started at 6:15am) to go out in the cold and watch a bunch of even crazier people run. But the crowd was fantastic - more people than I've ever seen out cheering.

The only complaint I had was with the temperature. While I don't mind running in the cold, it was 2 degrees celsius when the race started! I wasn't expecting to need gloves and a scarf in Vegas! It warmed up a bit as the day went on but it was actually pretty chilly the whole time we were there. We were walking around in jackets and scarves the whole time.

That's about it for today... happy running, everyone!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Now what have I gotten myself into??

Now I've done it. I have gone from being merely crazy to being seriously deranged. I mean, seriously, what kind of person signs up to run 26.2 miles unless they really have to, or unless they're just beyond nuts? (no offence meant to my many running friends who have already passed the line of sanity)

Yes, I have now osigned up for my first (and likely only) full marathon. I am officially registered for the Mississauga Marathon on May 16, 2010. And as I typed that date, I realized that it's only a little over 4 months away and that frightens the heck out of me.

I know that this is something I can do. A few years ago, I never thought I'd be able to run 5 kilometers and I have now done 5 half marathons and a 30K race. So I know I can do it. I just need to find something to push myself to really stick to my training program and I'm hoping that my fear will do it.

When I was training for Miami last year (my first half), I TOTALLY stuck to my training because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it otherwise and I was determined I wasn't going to quit. The problem is, since then I have slacked off. I've kept up with my running but not as much as I should have. I was hoping to try for a new personal best for the Las Vegas half last month; I designed a training program from the Running Room for myself and told myself I was going to stick to it. I didn't even come close. While I finished the race (in not a terrible time but nowhere close to where I wanted) and felt pretty good afterward, I know I can't do that for a full marathon. If I slack off, I'm in serious danger of either hurting myself or not finishing within the time limit (6 1/2 hours).

So... I really need to push myself to get out there and run. And this isn't exactly the time of year that inspires one to get out and pound the pavement. While I don't mind running in colder temperatures, -25 is just unpleasant even with the proper attire.

So I've decided to keep myself accountable by coming on here and reporting on my training. It starts officially next Sunday (January 10). I'm hoping to get out at least a couple of times this week as well but won't beat myself up if I don't manage to (my week at work is looking a bit insane).

Wish me luck!!