Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 8 of training

One week down...17 to go!

I did my 13K today that was on the schedule for yesterday... this program has my long runs on Saturdays and I'm just used to doing them Sundays so I think I might stick with that (or just play it by ear and see what the weather is supposed to be like from one day to the next).

My mileage for the first week was 27K, a little less than the recommended 30 but I missed one run and had to make up for it and came out a little short.

The 13K today was a pretty good run, despite encountering a couple of decent-sized hills (tip: running west on Wilson from Yonge Street to Avenue Road is something to avoid). Adam came out with me so at least I had someone to talk to. It gets a little boring after an hour and a half or so...

So, all in all, I mostly stuck with it for week 1. If I can just stick with it for 17 more weeks, I should be ready for my race!

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