Monday, July 20, 2009


Since I've started running, I really haven't had anything in the way of an injury, which I guess I should be thankful for, given the numbers of races I've done in such a short time. I seem to have developed my first one now though.

I've been having a lot of pain in the heel of my left foot and I've diagnosed myself with plantar fasciitis, based on the symptoms I've read everywhere. I have pain when I take my first few steps in the morning and then it gets better. It hurts when I start running but goes away after half a km or so. But in the last week or so, it's been getting worse. It was ok during my race yesterday but afterward, it was really painful! I iced it all evening and took an Advil and had my husband massage it for me but it was still hurting. Today, it's better but is still pretty sore.

I searched the site and have managed to come up with some things that should help. There are stretches I can do in the morning that are supposed to help and I've also ordered a night splint, which a lot of people said helped them in as little as a few days. Hopefully it gets here soon! I actually really wanted to go running today but I'm going to give it at least one more day before venturing out again (for a short run!!).

I hope this goes away quickly... I don't want to have to take a break from running or anything!

Acura Toronto 10 Miler

This was one of my favorite races I've ever run! It started in the Distillery District, which is beautiful itself but the route then goes down by the water and out along the Leslie Street Spit, where I've never run before. It didn't feel like I was running in the city at all... there was water everywhere, and trees and greenery and ducks!
I was pleased with my time... it was only my second ten miler and I improved on my time by about 5 minutes so I really couldn't ask for anything more.
This one will definitely be a repeat!!

Acura Toronto 10 Miler Results

Bib: 285
Place: 1575/1724
Time: 1:56:53.1
Chip: 1:53:59.1
Pace: 7:17
Cat: F35-39
Cat Place: 122/143
Gender Place: 720/831
5 Mile Split: 58:08

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Hey everyone! Not much new and exciting here but I haven't posted anything in a while so I thought I'd drop in. I haven't had a race in over a month so I guess I haven't had much to post about for a while!

I'm doing the Acura 10 miler this coming Sunday. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and it won't be too hot. I've been out training in the warmer weather so hopefully I'll be ready even if it's warm.

I'm actually finally starting to not mind TOO much running in the heat, although I would much prefer the cooler weather.

I'll let everyone know how Sunday goes!