Monday, July 20, 2009


Since I've started running, I really haven't had anything in the way of an injury, which I guess I should be thankful for, given the numbers of races I've done in such a short time. I seem to have developed my first one now though.

I've been having a lot of pain in the heel of my left foot and I've diagnosed myself with plantar fasciitis, based on the symptoms I've read everywhere. I have pain when I take my first few steps in the morning and then it gets better. It hurts when I start running but goes away after half a km or so. But in the last week or so, it's been getting worse. It was ok during my race yesterday but afterward, it was really painful! I iced it all evening and took an Advil and had my husband massage it for me but it was still hurting. Today, it's better but is still pretty sore.

I searched the site and have managed to come up with some things that should help. There are stretches I can do in the morning that are supposed to help and I've also ordered a night splint, which a lot of people said helped them in as little as a few days. Hopefully it gets here soon! I actually really wanted to go running today but I'm going to give it at least one more day before venturing out again (for a short run!!).

I hope this goes away quickly... I don't want to have to take a break from running or anything!

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