Monday, June 28, 2010

Mississauga Marathon

First of all, to anyone who was actually following my blog, sorry for taking nearly 2 months to come back. I'll explain more below.

Ok, so most importantly, I am officially a marathoner! I did it, in a pathetically slow time of 5:55:26. I had sort of hoped for 5:30 but considering the fact that I really didn't stick to my training as well as I should have, I wasn't at all surprised to find myself halfway through the race and not even close to the pace I wanted.

I am very happy to be able to say I did it but I don't think I have any plans of ever doing another. I was in pain by the end and had to really struggle for the last 6 or 7km. I was actually less sore than I thought I was going to be for the next few days (I had to drive 90 minutes to a meeting the next morning for work and was a little scared I wouldn't be able to get out of the car by the time I arrived but I was ok).

The real reason I think I'll stick with shorter distances from now on though was simply the amount of training a full marathon required. By the time the race got here, I was seriously starting to resent running. It was taking up half of every Sunday and forcing me to either get up extra-early in the morning or leave work early in the afternoon, and I was getting to the point where running seemed more like something I had to do than something I wanted to do.

Since the marathon, I've had a few other shorter races but other than those, I think I've been out running twice. I'm just now starting to want to get back out there but I have no desire to train again for that distance. I find that I can train quite easily, without killing myself, but I'm going to stick with those from now on.

But in the meantime, I AM A MARATHONER!!!