Monday, July 28, 2008

Durham 1/4 Marathon

I've enjoyed every race I've been in. Until now.

I've heard from other runners about how every so often they just have a bad run but I hadn't experienced that in an actual race. Now I have.

To start with, it was hot. The race didn't start till 9:00am so I think it was already about 24 degrees when we started. And humid.

I managed to get a cramp about half a kilometre into the race that started in my right side then gradually progressed to my left side and then all the way around my back. Fun. That lasted till about the 3K mark.

Then there was the water situation. Who would ever have thought that in a race with 300 people, the organizers would somehow manage to run out of water? At the 2.5K mark, there was water. At the 5K mark, there was a water station that had water after we waited for 30 seconds. Of course, it tasted like it came from someone's swimming pool so I ended up using the last of my own water to rinse the awful taste out of my mouth. Then at the 7.5K mark, they were actually out of water and just had warm Gatorade. Yuck!

I finished it, but only because there were no taxis passing along the route. I swear that if there had been, I would have been flagging one!

Not my best run ever, but I guess we all have bad ones once in a while. On to the next!

Durham 1/4 Marathon results

Place: 298/330
Time: 1:20:15
Category: SF30-39
Category Place: 47/50
Gender Place: 138/165
Pace: 7:37

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

1/4 Marathon

My next race is this Saturday - a 1/4 marathon. It sounds really impressive until you realize it's only 1/2 a km more than I've done before!!

I'm looking forward to it though. Hopefully it won't be too hot that morning.

I went for an almost 6K run today. It was actually quite nice - only about 20 degrees, which is about 8 degrees cooler than it has been lately. It's supposed to be pretty nice tomorrow too, so I should manage to get out again.

I lost one of my bottles from my water belt... that sucked. I think I somehow put it in the belt wrong and it fell out while I was running. Guess I'll be buying some extras!

20 Minute Challenge

I participated in the Running Room's 20 Minute Challenge on July 17, for my first time. Unfortunately, it was almost unbearably hot so 20 minutes was about all I could manage!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Yet another complaint about the heat

I just can't get myself motivated to get out there and run in the heat! It's 28 degrees today and the thought of running makes me feel ill.

I need to make myself get up in the morning early, when it's still relatively cool. But my bed always feels so nice.

Waiting for fall...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nissan 5K

Silly silly me. Going to a Great Big Sea concert the night before a run probably wasn't the best idea I've ever had.

I got to bed around 1:15am, after having consumed a bit too much beer. When that alarm went off at 6:30, I just about smashed it. Then I looked out the windy and it was gloomy and gray and not the kind of weather that inspires you to get out of bed.

But I forced myself to get dressed and get out there. I've never bailed on a run and I wasn't going to start this morning.

It was a little chilly when I first got to the race site and it was drizzling so it wasn't exactly fun standing around waiting for the race to start. But once it did start, I was glad for the rain. It was pretty humid so the sprinkles kind of cooled things off.

I finished in 33:54.6, which was 2 seconds faster than my last 5K, so I guess that's a good thing! I had set myself a goal of doing it in under 30 but considering how I felt, that went out the window pretty quickly.

My next race is a 1/4 marathon, on July 26. Can't wait!

Nissan 5K Results

Place 279/406
Bib# 3085
Time 34:53.9
Chip 33:54.6
Pace 6:59
Category Women 35 - 39
CategoryPlace 17/36
GenderPlace 132/237

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

City Chase

So, I sort of forgot to post anything about the City Chase, because it wasn't exactly your typical running event but it certainly felt like it! I'm sure we ran 20K that day!

We finished with less than 3 minutes to spare, but WE FINISHED!! We ended up Team #201 out of over 500 teams. Only about 240 teams actually finished within the 6 hours with their 10 Chase Points so we were thrilled with our results.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Canada Day Run

My second 10K run is now behind me! I was aiming for 75 minutes and came in 7 minutes under that so I was happy. It was hot and not as flat as the Sporting Life race, so I wasn't even trying to beat that time.

Adam did it in 58 minutes so he was pretty thrilled with his time as well.

I have a 5K race next weekend (the 13th) and then I've signed up for a 1/4 marathon on the 26th.

I'm starting to think that a 1/2 marathon might actually be do-able!

HBC Run for Canada Results

Place 1333
Bib# 8012
Time 1:11:39.9
Chip 1:09:25.6
Pace 7:10
Category Women 30-39
CategoryPlace 223/272
GenderPlace 626/843