Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nissan 5K

Silly silly me. Going to a Great Big Sea concert the night before a run probably wasn't the best idea I've ever had.

I got to bed around 1:15am, after having consumed a bit too much beer. When that alarm went off at 6:30, I just about smashed it. Then I looked out the windy and it was gloomy and gray and not the kind of weather that inspires you to get out of bed.

But I forced myself to get dressed and get out there. I've never bailed on a run and I wasn't going to start this morning.

It was a little chilly when I first got to the race site and it was drizzling so it wasn't exactly fun standing around waiting for the race to start. But once it did start, I was glad for the rain. It was pretty humid so the sprinkles kind of cooled things off.

I finished in 33:54.6, which was 2 seconds faster than my last 5K, so I guess that's a good thing! I had set myself a goal of doing it in under 30 but considering how I felt, that went out the window pretty quickly.

My next race is a 1/4 marathon, on July 26. Can't wait!

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