Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 80

I took the day off yesterday for a scheduled rest day. My legs were still a little sore from Sunday but definitely less sore than I thought they would be.

Today wasn't a bad run... I did just under 9K and it felt pretty good. The weather was beautiful (sunny and 11 degrees).

I have another race this weekend - the Harry's Spring Runoff 8K. I'm supposed to do 21K on Saturday so my plan is to run down to the race which just happens to be about 13K. After that only 2 long runs to go before I start tapering... scary!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Around the Bay 30K

This was my second year running this race. I really enjoyed it last year (despite the fact that it was cold and that it poured rain for the first 10K) so I decided to sign up again. It was also a good coincidence that I was supposed to be running 29km for my long run this weekend and it's a whole lot easier to get yourself motivated to get out when you're running with thousands of other people.

So... it was around 4 or 5 degrees at the start and cloudy. They were calling for rain later in the day but at least it was dry to start.

I started out at 9:30 and by the second kilometre, I knew I was going to have a good race. I almost missed my first walk break (I do 10min running/1 walking) and when I realized it was coming up, I almost didn't take it as I didn't feel that I needed it. I then reminded myself that I was supposed to be running slowly as this was not supposed to be a race, but just a training run.

So I stuck to the 10/1 schedule and it worked well. No extra walk breaks (which are quite often needed).

The course is almost perfectly flat for about the first 20K and then you get into rolling hills. Nothing too scary, but it's pretty much constant rolling from about 20K-26K so I got quite the workout.

At about the 26K mark is the hill from hell. It's steep and long (lasts a little more than half a km, I think). Last year, I ran about 20 feet and then walked the rest of the way up. This year, I ran the whole thing (slowly, but I ran it). And I was still feeling good at the top so I decided to run the rest of the race with no walk breaks.

I finished in 3:47, 11 minutes faster than my time last year so I was pretty happy. I really hadn't intended on even trying to beat my time but I was just feeling so good that I sort of got caught up in the feeling and pushed myself a little more than I probably should have.

The good news is, I had no major knee issues. At about 29.5K, I felt a little twinge and had to readjust my strap and running down the ramp into the arena didn't feel so great but otherwise, no problems. My legs were super-sore last night but are doing ok today (I'm even wearing heels).

While I know that running 30K is a far different thing than running 42K, I am now more confident in my ability to do the full in May. I remember last year when I did the 30K (without proper training, I might add), I was pretty sore afterward and I really had nothing left at the end. This year, I certainly wasn't going to go run another 12K for fun, but I felt like if I had another 12 to go, I would have been able to get through it.

I'm going to stick with the training as much as possible and hopefully have as good a race on May 17!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Around the Bay Results

Bib: 616
Place: 5328/5657
Time: 3:50:07
Chip Time: 3:47:14
10K Split: 1:13:15
15K Split: 1:51:28
20K Split: 2:30:07
Gender Place: 2425/2652
Cat Place (F35-39): 421/453

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 75

No running today... I was going to go to the gym and do some leg strengthening exercises but my legs are actually a bit sore from my run yesterday and workout the day before so I decided to skip it. I might go out for a short run tomorrow just to stay loose, rather than taking 3 full days off.

It's not looking like great weather for the race on Sunday. Last year it was cold and pouring for about the first 10 km; it's looking a little better than that at this point but not much. The forecast is for light rain on Sunday and a high of 6 degrees celsius. The temperature isn't bad but man, I hate running in the rain!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 74

You know, if 5 years ago I had blisters like I have right now, I would have barfed at the sight of them. Suddenly, now, a blister that covers about 10% of the skin on my foot doesn't look so bad. Ok, so actually it does look pretty bad but I'm dealing with it.

I did my 13K today and actually had a pretty good run. It was nice out (12 degrees and sunny).

I'm supposed to do 8K tomorrow but I think I'm going to skip it. I have Around the Bay on Sunday and while I don't plan to race it or anything, I'd prefer to let the blisters heal a bit in the hopes of not limping across the finish line. So I think I'll take a next 3 days off... I'm sure one missed run isn't going to significantly interfere with my training.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 72

My poor feet are NOT liking me today! I have blisters on my blisters on my blisters...actually, I don't anymore as I performed surgery on them this afternoon and now just have large holes in my feet.

Ran a little over 24K yesterday. I was supposed to do 27 but was in so much pain from my blisters that I just couldn't make myself do the extra 2 1/2.

Today was a rest day, thank heavens!

So...here's my thinking. I really don't think I want to do another marathon after this one (unless I get into New York, which would be so cool that I'd have to do it).

The training is just crazy. I spent 4 hours running yesterday, which basically ruined my Sunday. I suppose if I got up first thing in the morning and went out for a run, I could be home by noon and still have the afternoon to myself but that would then mean that I'd have to go to bed early Saturday night, which would also put a damper on my plans for the weekend.

This week, I'm supposed to do 8K tomorrow, 13K Wednesday and 8K Thursday. When on earth am I supposed to find time for all this running???

I found that I was able to stick to the training for the half marathon with very little problem but this is just getting to be too much. (And keep in mind that I'm doing one of the most conservative training programs out there!!)

I'm glad I signed on to do this but I honestly think I may just stick with half marathons in the future.

The good news is that I have the Around the Bay 30K this Sunday, so at least I get to do one of my long runs with a few thousand other people! Too bad I couldn't find one of these every weekend...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 61

Yikes! I realized today that I'm darn near halfway through my training program!! After this week, I'll officially be past the halfway point. I am scared.

I wasn't too good with my training this week, mainly because my legs were still a bit sore until today from the race on the weekend. But really, that was just an excuse. I could easily have gone out and done the 6.5K I was supposed to do yesterday and that probably would have helped my legs. I did get out today and do 12K so I'm feeling good about that. This weekend my long run is 18K and next week is 27K (yuck!).

Overall, I've been being fairly good...ie. getting out 3 days a week. What worries me is that I'm already following a very conservative program so it concerns me a bit that cutting back on it at all is going to be a problem. However... I still have 9 weeks to go. That's plenty of time to get my a$$ in gear and start sticking to my plan faithfully. And I haven't been missing my long runs, which I figure are probably the most important.

I think once I do the Around the Bay race (30K), I'll feel better about being ready for 42 (assuming the ATB goes well).

Monday, March 8, 2010

Chilly Half Marathon (Day 57)

Admittedly, my time in this race was not my best (in fact it was my second worst). However, in my defence, I intentionally started out slowly as I think my mistake in some of my past races was starting out too quickly and then having nothing left at the end. So I started really slowly, ran a good race and managed to finish stronger than I ever have before. I was also treating this as more of a training run than anything else and building mileage rather than trying for a great time. It also didn't help that I lost 5 minutes waiting in line for a port-a-potty at one of the aid stations (and ended up giving up in frustration when people were taking too long...)!

So...not my best time, but honestly I think I felt better at the end of this race than any other one I've done.

It was an absolutely perfect day for running...up to around 7 degrees when we finished and beautiful sunshine. Compared to the temperature last year, this was great!

This was my first run over 14km since my kneee issues started and I am happy to report that I had no problems at all. I don't know what worked - I was doing some of the exercises recommended for runners' knee (but haven't done them in a week or so) and I also bought a band that wraps around the knee and holds the kneecap in place and ran with that on. Either way, it felt great!

Chilly Half Marathon Results

Bib: 35
Overall Place: 2379/2502
Gun Time: 2:41:51
Chip Time: 2:38:14
Class: F35-39
Class place: 204/221
Gender Place: 1229/1325
Pace: 7:41
Split 2.3km: 15:23
Split 12.6km: 1:32:59