Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 72

My poor feet are NOT liking me today! I have blisters on my blisters on my blisters...actually, I don't anymore as I performed surgery on them this afternoon and now just have large holes in my feet.

Ran a little over 24K yesterday. I was supposed to do 27 but was in so much pain from my blisters that I just couldn't make myself do the extra 2 1/2.

Today was a rest day, thank heavens!'s my thinking. I really don't think I want to do another marathon after this one (unless I get into New York, which would be so cool that I'd have to do it).

The training is just crazy. I spent 4 hours running yesterday, which basically ruined my Sunday. I suppose if I got up first thing in the morning and went out for a run, I could be home by noon and still have the afternoon to myself but that would then mean that I'd have to go to bed early Saturday night, which would also put a damper on my plans for the weekend.

This week, I'm supposed to do 8K tomorrow, 13K Wednesday and 8K Thursday. When on earth am I supposed to find time for all this running???

I found that I was able to stick to the training for the half marathon with very little problem but this is just getting to be too much. (And keep in mind that I'm doing one of the most conservative training programs out there!!)

I'm glad I signed on to do this but I honestly think I may just stick with half marathons in the future.

The good news is that I have the Around the Bay 30K this Sunday, so at least I get to do one of my long runs with a few thousand other people! Too bad I couldn't find one of these every weekend...


hmac said...

Hi Pam! I found it's way easier on my head to do long runs on Saturday morning and thus 'get them over with' for the rest of the weekend. I'm always so tired Friday night anyways it's no hardship to stay in and hit the rack early, and then I can do what I want Saturday night, without worrying about running in the morn. Just a suggestion for you to ponder!
(ps. the race finish is so worth the effort!)

Pam said...

Thanks for the tip! I've been trying to do that but I was out of town Friday night this past weekend and didn't get home till afternoon on Saturday. Most weekends it would be much easier to do as you suggested... thanks again!!

Unknown said...

The marathon is under 2 months away now, so its only about a month and a bit of real training and then its taper.

I agree that training takes so much time, but think about what else you would be doing with the time - for me, I'm running instead of sitting in from of the tv or surfing the net.

Keep it up!