Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 74

You know, if 5 years ago I had blisters like I have right now, I would have barfed at the sight of them. Suddenly, now, a blister that covers about 10% of the skin on my foot doesn't look so bad. Ok, so actually it does look pretty bad but I'm dealing with it.

I did my 13K today and actually had a pretty good run. It was nice out (12 degrees and sunny).

I'm supposed to do 8K tomorrow but I think I'm going to skip it. I have Around the Bay on Sunday and while I don't plan to race it or anything, I'd prefer to let the blisters heal a bit in the hopes of not limping across the finish line. So I think I'll take a next 3 days off... I'm sure one missed run isn't going to significantly interfere with my training.

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