Thursday, January 22, 2009

3 days and counting

I'm now less than 72 hours from starting (and finishing) my first half marathon and less than 24 hours from leaving for Miami. Everything is packed except for the last minute stuff and I'm ready to go!

The weather in Miami is still looking good for the race - lots of sun and not too hot.

Getting really excited now!

Less than 24 hours till I'm off to Miami

Yep, only 21 hours to go till I'll be well on my way to Miami. I'm so excited about this trip! Not only do I get to run my first half marathon ever, but I get to spend a week somewhere warm, go on a cruise, and spend a week with Mel! What more could I ask for?

So... about the race. I'm ready. It's funny... when I started training, my goal was just to complete it. They (whoever "they" are) say that that should be your goal for your first one. But then I hit the point where I realized there was no question that I could complete it. I ran 20K in a training run and made it without much trouble so I know I can do 21.1. So now my goal is to complete it in 2:30. That might be a bit optimistic and if I don't make it, I won't beat myself up but I needed some sort of challenge for myself.

We've signed up for the 5K race on Saturday as well. We're supposed to run 3K that day anyway and when we found out the 5K'ers get a medal, we decided we had to do it! We're not going to race it, just treat it as a slow run.

Anyway, my suitcases are calling my name (actually, I think it's a cat IN the suitcase that's calling) so I'd better get packing.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I've been bad the last couple of days and haven't been running. I started coming down with a cold on Friday and it hit me with full force yesterday. I could have gone running, even with the cold, but then I took cold medication which make me so dopey, I would have been dangerous on a treadmill!!

Today I'm feeling a little better but I just couldn't make myself get out there.

I'll get back to it tomorrow and do the 6K I was supposed to do today, then do my scheduled runs Tuesday and Wednesday. At least I'll only have missed one day.

So... a week from now, I'll have completed my first half marathon!!! I'm getting so excited!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Treadmill is growing on me

My run today wasn't as bad... still boring but I think I'm starting to get used to the treadmill. Tomorrow's a day off, thank heavens!

I'm happy to report that I still have all my toenails and none are hurting, unlike somebody I know... :-)

We leave a week from tomorrow... yay!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hateful hateful thing!

The treadmill, that is. I did 6K on it today and even with my iPod it was horrible! I should be able to run faster on the TM than outside like most normal people do but I'm WAY slower! It took me almost an hour to do 6km!!

Tomorrow is another 6... yuck! It's supposed to be even colder tomorrow too, so there's no chance of doing it outside.

The good news is that I only have 5 more runs till Miami... yay!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I hate treadmills!

I did my 8km today on the treadmill at the gym. That was partly because it was snowing and yucky and -20 outside and partly because I figure I should try to get my body used to running in warmer weather before I head to Miami.

Can you say BORING???? I forgot my iPod so I was using the headphones from my Blackberry and had them plugged into the TV but the gym really doesn't have a wide variety of channels. It was a choice of Cable Pulse News or soap operas that I don't watch. How exciting. So I watched the news but they kept repeating the top stories so by 20 minutes in, I was hearing for the third time about how cold it was outside.

I'm going to make sure to remember my iPod tomorrow... it still won't be as good as running outside but at least I'll have my music.

12 days to go!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Less than 3 weeks to go!

And I actually think I'm going to be ready. I did 19km on the weekend and managed to do it in less than 2.5 hours and I really wasn't pushing myself (just running at my usual pace!).

I just have to make myself totally keep up with my training for the next 20 days... I'm aiming to get in every single one of my runs and every single km I'm supposed to run in those next 20 days.

I had a crappy run today... I did just under the 6km I was supposed to do but it was really hard. Tomorrow is only 4, which is good, but the next day is 8, so if tomorrow is going well, I might just keep going and do the 8 and save 4 for the next day.

The good news - only 1 long run left before the race!!! Yay!