Monday, January 5, 2009

Less than 3 weeks to go!

And I actually think I'm going to be ready. I did 19km on the weekend and managed to do it in less than 2.5 hours and I really wasn't pushing myself (just running at my usual pace!).

I just have to make myself totally keep up with my training for the next 20 days... I'm aiming to get in every single one of my runs and every single km I'm supposed to run in those next 20 days.

I had a crappy run today... I did just under the 6km I was supposed to do but it was really hard. Tomorrow is only 4, which is good, but the next day is 8, so if tomorrow is going well, I might just keep going and do the 8 and save 4 for the next day.

The good news - only 1 long run left before the race!!! Yay!

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Just stumbled on your blog via the GDT. I'm impressed! Someday I hope to be where you are with running :-)

-Wheebles from