Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I hate treadmills!

I did my 8km today on the treadmill at the gym. That was partly because it was snowing and yucky and -20 outside and partly because I figure I should try to get my body used to running in warmer weather before I head to Miami.

Can you say BORING???? I forgot my iPod so I was using the headphones from my Blackberry and had them plugged into the TV but the gym really doesn't have a wide variety of channels. It was a choice of Cable Pulse News or soap operas that I don't watch. How exciting. So I watched the news but they kept repeating the top stories so by 20 minutes in, I was hearing for the third time about how cold it was outside.

I'm going to make sure to remember my iPod tomorrow... it still won't be as good as running outside but at least I'll have my music.

12 days to go!!

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