Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 5 of training

Still on track (well, mostly)!! I was supposed to do 5K yesterday and 5K today; instead I did 9K today so I'm close. Tomorrow is supposed to be a day off so I should have no problem sticking to that...LOL.

The weather is supposed to be goregous for the next few days - sunny and above freezing - so I really have no excuse not to get out.

I'm really enjoying my Hal Higdon book. I like his program for marathon training better than the Running Room one. It's one day a week less running, and with my work schedule, that works out a lot better for me. It's still a lot of running, but it seems much more do-able for me.

I'll continue to report on my progress!

1 comment:

aboutagirl said...

way to go!! and good luck with your day off tomorrow. haha!