Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Miserable cold!!

So much for my good intentions to get out running this week. On Monday I woke up with a miserable cold which is still hanging around three days later. I am feeling quite a bit better today though, so I'm hoping I might almost be seeing the end of it. On top of that, it's been bitterly cold here (like windchills of -23) and the combination of the temperature and being sick has just not motivated me to get out there!

I ordered 2 new running skirts yesterday; if they're as cute in person as on the website, I might have to make one of them my official "outfit" for the marathon (assuming it's warm enough to wear a skirt in May). Hmmm... I might have to check out the photos from the past few years to see what people are wearing.

I just realized that I never posted about the Las Vegas Half Marathon other than posting my results.

It was a really good race - a personal worst for me but honestly, what was I expecting running a race after 3 days in Vegas with friends? I usually try to watch what I eat and drink a few days before a race but that idea went to hell in a handbasket when we bought the $30 "all you can eat, all day" wristband at the buffet in the hotel. So, I really wasn't expecting a great time (plus I didn't train properly to have improved my time).

The weekend itself was a lot of fun... lots of shopping including a ridiculously expensive pair of jeans (they made my butt look better than any plastic surgery could do... pictures to follow) and a ridiculously whorish pair of boots. Lots of gambling and I actually came out ahead... if it hadn't been for the shopping, I would have made money on this trip!

The race was awesome! This was my first Rock and Roll race and it was great. There were bands playing every few kilometres and people everywhere. I was astounded at the number of crazy souls who dragged their asses out of bed on a Sunday morning (keep in mind the race started at 6:15am) to go out in the cold and watch a bunch of even crazier people run. But the crowd was fantastic - more people than I've ever seen out cheering.

The only complaint I had was with the temperature. While I don't mind running in the cold, it was 2 degrees celsius when the race started! I wasn't expecting to need gloves and a scarf in Vegas! It warmed up a bit as the day went on but it was actually pretty chilly the whole time we were there. We were walking around in jackets and scarves the whole time.

That's about it for today... happy running, everyone!

1 comment:

aboutagirl said...

i bet many of those cheerleaders hadn't even been to bed yet!! sounds like a fun race despite the cold!!