Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ok, I'm back at it

I ran 4.4K yesterday and it felt good. I could tell I hadn't been running for a number of days, as it was a bit hard but I'm glad I did it.

I have a sore heel - hopefully it's just something temporary. I'm going to try wearing different shoes today and see if that helps.

I've signed up for a Half Marathon clinic at the Running Room now. It starts November 13. Unfortunately, it goes until February 26, so it's not quite on my schedule for Miami but I've printed out my own schedule that I'm going to follow. I just can't decide which program to do - the "To complete" or the "2:30 Pace". I really don't think finishing in 2:30 is a particularly unrealistic goal, since I seem to finish around the 70 minunte mark in 10K's, but since it's my first one, I kind of think maybe my goal ought to just be to finish it.

Decisions, decisions!

Off to go do my 3K run!

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