Sunday, October 18, 2009

Oasis Zoo Run 10K

Ok, so not exactly my best time ever, but in the circumstances, not too bad.

First of all, after signing up for the Zoo Run, I decided I wanted to do the Goodlife Toronto Half Marathon (which just happens to take place the next day). So I ended up signed up for a 10K one day and a half marathon the next. I really wanted to do the Zoo Run so I decided I'd run it but just take it really slow and easy.

Then I managed to fall 2 days before the run and give myself a giant bruise on my hip. It hurt to even walk so when I started the race, I wasn't sure I'd even be able to finish. Luckily, as I ran, the pain subsided and I was able to continue.

Needless to say, I wasn't trying for any particular time so I'm content with the result.

It was a beautiful run - about 4 degrees when we started, sunny and there were lots of animals out waiting for us to come by. The tigers were having breakfast as we ran by and the zebras were out roaming around. I thought it was especially appropriate to have the evil dholes at about the 9K mark just to keep me moving (Mel, they looked cute again so I think you did something to them that one time).

Overall a great run! More later on the half marathon (once they manage to get the results online!!).

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