Sunday, October 18, 2009

Goodlife Toronto Half Marathon

Fortunately, my hip was feeling MUCH better today so it didn't affect my race at all. I really wasn't hoping for anything other than finishing in under 2:30 again (and I missed it by 38 seconds) given that I ran 10K yesterday, so I was pretty pleased with my race. I did the first half in a little over an hour so I was on target but things sort of fell apart near the end of the race.

Overall, it was a good race (anything that's mostly downhill is good in my books). The start area could have been a bit more organized - supposedly there were corrals but I didn't see them. But the volunteers were great, there were more than enough water stations and port-a-potties and the food at the finish line was really good. I loved the fact that they had shuttle buses running from Yonge and Eglinton so I didn't have to worry about transportation.

My next one is the Angus Glen 10K the first weekend in November. And then Vegas!!!


Scrappytbear said...

Hey great job on the half! Are you doing the RnR in Vegas? Im planning to fly there for the half in December and meet a friend there :) Small world!

Pam said...

Hey Scrappy, sorry for taking so long to respond... didn't see your comment. Yes, I am doing the RnR, also meeting a friend there. Enjoy your race!

Unknown said...

Good thing that you enjoyed the race with good food, more water stations and more porta-potties. At least you enjoyed the race even the race was tiring.