Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's been a while!

Gosh, I haven't posted in over a month! Part of the reason for that is that I was away in Europe for 2 weeks (and went running a grand total of 2 times).

I've been "sort of" back into the training since. I've been doing my long runs but skipping some of the shorter ones.

I have a 10K race on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday (not sure how that happened but I'm determined to do them both).

More importantly, I am officially registered for my first ever (and maybe only ever) full marathon! I'm doing the Mississauga Marathon in May 2010 and am very excited about it. I honestly don't know that I ever want to do a second one, mainly because of the insane amount of training involved, but I really want to do one.


hmac said...

I just did my first marathon and if it helps, neither the training (4 day schedule) nor the race were as bad as I feared they'd be. Boring, but not bad.
Good luck!
Heather Mac, Calgary

Pam said...
