Thursday, April 10, 2008

Much better today

I had a much better run today than yesterday. Today was just a run/walk, no hills or anything, thank heavens! I did just over 5K and it took me about 39 minutes. I think at least 2 or 3 of that was spent waiting at stop lights, so my actual time was probably a bit better. That's one thing I like about races... none of this waiting for lights crap!!

It actually felt good today... I didn't have to stop and walk other than my designated stops (every 10 minutes). I think I'm going to have to start taking water though... if I do under 5K, I don't seem to need it, but once I hit the 5K mark, I'm dying for a drink.

I'm discovering a good side effect of running... apparently it's great for the ab muscles. I didn't notice it at first but now that I'm consistently running longer distances, my ab muscles are starting to feel sore every time I run, which can only be a good thing!

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