Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why did I start blogging?

Ok, so why did I decide to start a blog? Firstly because my sister started one and made me want to steal her idea. But secondly and more importantly, because I DIDN’T start one when I started on the path to losing 75 pounds 2 years ago and really wish I had, so I’ve decided to do it now.

I (the girl who couldn’t run a block 2 years ago) have taken up running. Not only have I taken up running, I’ve signed up for a half marathon next January with Mel. Yep, I’m nuts.

The next question…. Why did I start running? The short answer is “Because I’m lazy.” I hate exercise. All forms of it. So I wanted to find some type of exercise that would let me burn a crapload of calories in the shortest time possible. Running is that exercise. I don’t even like running. I hate every minute of it… except for the races and the last 10 feet when I’m about to cross the finish line. But I do like the sense of accomplishment I get from having completed yet another goal. Thus the half marathon next year.

Anyway, I’ve now done 3 5K’s and am doing my first 10K in a month (and, oddly enough, looking forward to it).

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