Tuesday, May 11, 2010

5 days to go!

OK. I am officially scared.

(By the way, sorry for being MIA and not responding to comments from my last post...other things have kind of gotten in the way for the last month and a bit)

Back to being scared. I am 5 days away. And for the first time ever, I am scared of a race. Excited but scared.

The issues:

1) I picked a VERY conservative training program, running 4 days a week, no hill training or anything like that.

2) I think there were 2 weeks where I actually got in every one of my runs and all the distance I was supposed to. I got all of my long runs with the exception of 1.

3) I have had 3 runs where I had major knee issues, once at 14K, once at 29K and once at 4K. I've been doing my recommended exercises, although not as often as I should.

I know I can finish. I am just dreading the thought of having knee issues start early on and having to walk most of the race (the knee issues are bad enough that once they start, I am virtually incapable of running more than a few seconds at a time). I'm half tempted to do 5 minutes running and 1 walking rather than the 10/1 I usually do, in the hopes of avoiding issues. Having said that, I ran a 30K race 6 weeks ago at my fastest pace ever with no issues at all.

I think I'm just going to do what I normally do and hope for the best...

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