Monday, June 8, 2009

Running and smokers

Ok, so here is my rant for the day (and I know that some of my friends and fellow runners are smokers, so I hope no one is offended).

I seriously wish there was a "smoker free" running route. There's nothing worse than being in the middle of a run and feeling really good and suddenly running past someone who blows out a big cloud of smoke just as you go by.

I get that smokers have the right to be out there too, so this isn't a rant about banning smoking or anything. It's just a rant about my having to breathe in 10 lungfuls of smoke this afternoon!!

That's all.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I absolutely agree!

My run routes are practically smoke free UNLESS you are asking about the one that takes me next to our local hospital. I am dodging at least two groups of smokers every time I go down that street. The sad thing for me is, many of them wear scrubs. How can someone take care of people with cancer and go out and smoke on their break?

I try to use the experience as inspiration to keep on running and keep healthy.

Thanks for the inspirational blog!